Monday, September 8, 2014

Think in the morning.

Sequoia 2010

Think in the morning. Act in the afternoon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.

If life was only that simple. Before my accident last November, I used to think in the morning and actually sleep at night. Who would have thought that an accident could change your life patterns around. My days have been so turned around, with very little sleep. I find myself a wake at all hours of the day and night. I have to believe that God knows what He is doing during this healing process. Sometimes I feel so ready to go back to work, but I reach out my arm or turn my head the wrong way and it's instant pain in my shoulder and a headache. I try not be so frustrated, but what can one do? I have to have faith and believe that one day I will be able to think in the morning and sleep in the night like a normal person does on a daily basis.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The sun is new each day!

Ensenada, Mexico 2006
The sun is new each day! As it shines upon you, take the time to think of something new that you want to accomplish or try in your life.

I'm sure we all have a bucket list that we plan to accomplish before we die. Mine is so long with places I want to go visit and things I want to do, try and learn before I die. I have subdivided them into times I want to accomplish each item on my list. We never know what tomorrow will bring to each one of us, so I plan on trying to live my life as best I can, by forgiving and trying my best to forget my true love. I plan on leaving the past in the past and moving forward onto a new day! 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

How committed am I going to be today?

Newport Beach 2013

Commitment is a big part of who I am and what I believe. How committed are you to winning? How committed are you to being a good friend? How committed are you to being a good father, mother, brother or sister, a good teammate, a good coworker, a good role model? There's that moment every morning when you look in the mirror and say, 'How committed am I going to be today?'.

Early this morning, I committed to be a friend that listened and was there for my Boo Lauren. Her mom passed away in the night. She was devastated and heartbroken. Her mom was her world, besides her boyfriend, her boys, her daughter in laws and her precious grand babies. In her busy schedule, she always found time for her mom and always put her first before her own needs. I truly admire her for this, because I know so many people that don't care until it's too late. Having lost both my parents and my adopted mom, I know what it's like to have been there for them when they were healthy and sick. I had committed to being there for them no matter what, just as Lauren had been for her mom. As my day progressed, after much needed sleep, my Kimmie and Annie, who were just heartbroken after they had read the message I had sent to them about our Boo's mom, talked, listened and loved one another as we discussed how to support Lauren in her time of need. I don't know, but it seems like some people just have a special gene in them that says, 'I love you, I'm there for you, and I'm hurting for you!'. Commitment is easy for them. Sometimes, I wish that others would tune into this commitment concept, because they really don't know what blessings they're losing out on in life. I'm glad that I have wonderful friends that I get to commit to on a daily basis!!

So, what are you going to commit to in your life? There are so many blessings out there just waiting to be bestowed upon you! Go find them and commit!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Make It Meaningful

Highway 40 - Texas 2007

Old friends pass away, new friends appear.  It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The sun rises, the sun sets. The important thing is to make it meaningful; a meaningful friend or a meaningful day!

Meaningful can be defined as having a meaning or purpose in life. Have you ever wondered what your true purpose in life is? Do any of us really know where we're headed in life? A young friend of mine posted this awhile ago, do you know what you wanted to be when you grow up? I responded to the question with, 'no, and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.'. As a child, I had dreamed of my Prince coming into my life, being married, having, as my friend Cathy said, 12 children and living happily ever after. In reality, does that really happen, I guess if you're beautiful and thin. That wasn't my purpose in life to be a wife, mother or eventually a grandmother. My purpose in life has been just to be me! It's to be the rock my friends think I am. It's to be a sister to my siblings. It's to be an Aunt for my nieces and nephews. It's to be a cousin to my cousins. It's to care for and love Kallie and let her know she's not just a cat. It's to be happy when I don't feel happy and feel like crying. It's to show strength when I don't have it. So, as an old day sets, and a new day arrives I will continue to find my meaning and purpose in life just to be me!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Everyday is a Blessing from God

San Pedro 2010

Everyday I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful.

I have been blessed with some really special things and people in my life, but I often wonder why I wasn't blessed with other things in my life. I also wonder why, I was given a special on and off again relationship for the last ten years. It is constantly given to me and then taken away from me. Do I not deserve to be happy with the person that makes me laugh and smile? When we're together it is such a blessing, but when we're apart it's as if I've lost my best friend. Even though, I feel that everyday is a blessing from God, I really don't think that heartache, sadness and loneliness is a blessing from Him. All I can do is continue to believe that everything is beautiful and a new beginning from God.

Yeah, everything is beautiful!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Highs And Lows

Everyone has highs and lows that they have to learn from, but every morning I start off with a good head on my shoulders, saying to myself, 'It's going to be a good day!'.

Today was a low day for me! A good head on my shoulders was not what I had in mind this morning or rather this afternoon. Did someone say headache? I must've moved my neck the wrong way again. I love that from an accident a disc in your neck can protrude, which in turn will cause a headache when you move your head a certain way. I'm making the most of it, because I know even though I have low moments my in life, my high moments are so much greater! Moving forward is the best thing I can do at this point in my life. Things will eventually work out! I'm leaving it up to Heavenly Father, because He knows what is best for me regarding my highs and lows. So, no matter how much I hurt, how sad I am, or how unloved I'm feeling, I will push through and say, 'It's going to be a good day!'.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Arise in the Morning

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to laugh, to love. Remind yourself that it is going to be a Sunny Day and you're going to enjoy it!

Last night as I was watching the news, a breaking story out of Huntington Beach was being shown. It was heartbreaking to say the least. A father had been killed in front of his child, while riding his bike on Bolsa Chica, by a suspected drunk driver. I was thinking this father would never have the chance to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to laugh, to love in his physical body until Christ comes again. His family will never hear him say, I love you or to feel his hugs again until that day. I'm so grateful for the knowledge I have of The Plan of Salvation, that Families are Forever and that I'll be able to hug all my family again someday. I pray that this family will be blessed with the same knowledge, if they don't already, and they will feel those hugs and love again. Remember that life is a gift, so arise in the morning and give thanks that you can breathe, think, enjoy, laugh and love.